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March 8, 2023

Roster role view and more

We've added a new feature that allows managers to view their rosters by role. This feature is designed to help managers ensure that all roles within their departments are covered, giving them greater confidence in the rosters they create for the following week.

How it use:

  1. Go to the toolbar on the right side and click the "View" button.
  2. Select "View by Role."

Assign Members to Roles

Using the "view" role, managers can quickly assign multiple members a role. Simply hover over the role header and click the "Add Member" button (a person with a plus sign). A list of members will appear, from which you can select the staff members you want to assign the role to. Once you have made your selection, click "Assign.”

Bug Fixes and Improvements:

  • Fixed issue where invitation status would not change after sending out an invite.
  • Fixed issue where the "No Email" modal would pop up when the "Notify Member via Email" option was turned off.
  • Fixed issue where the role list would not update after deleting roles.
  • Extended the member profile click area for better user experience.

Got good ideas?

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