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May 19, 2023

Leave Management

Timble mobile app now allows staff members to submit their own leave requests, eliminating the need for managers to manually load the requests. Managers can simply approve or decline the requests, saving time for both managers and staff members.

Enable the submission of leave requests

  1. Go to Settings → General.
  2. Enable “Allow team members to submit leave requests” option.

Once this option is enabled, staff members will need to update their mobile app to version 1.4.0 or newer. After the update, they will see the "Leave" menu in the Accounts screens of the Timble mobile app.

Managers leave permissions

In terms of leave permissions for managers, the "can add/approve leave request" permission has been retired and replaced with three new permissions:

  • Can approve/decline leave requests: Managers with this permission can review and approve or decline leave requests from their team members.
  • Can edit and delete approved leave requests: Managers with this permission can make edits or deletions to already approved leave requests.
  • Can approve own leave requests: Managers with this permission can approve their own leave requests.

These new permissions provide precise control over what managers can and can't do regarding leave requests. By default, leave requests will be sent to the department manager. If no one in the department has the permission to approve or decline leave requests, the requests will be sent to the admin for approval or decline.

Shifts and leave on the same day

Previously, shifts had to be removed when adding a leave request. However, with the new update, shifts and leave can coexist on the same day. For example, if a staff member is assigned a shift and then gets sick, they can submit a sick leave request. The manager can then tag the shift as "Sick" to keep a record of it for future reference.

A dedicated page for managing leave requests

This page allows managers to easily add, edit, and filter leave requests without the need to open each member's profile and switch to the Leave tab. This streamlines the process and makes leave management more efficient.

Bug fixes 🐛 & Enhancements 🧚

  • Fixed assigning roles to department issue
  • Fixed staff can view drafted shifts  via mobile app
  • Fixed changing leave request start or end date will override leave types
  • Fixed refreshing page issue when account is deactivated
  • Fixed displaying shifts from deleted location issue

Got good ideas?

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